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Producing Quality Furniture in the USA Since 1903.  A family owned and operated business focusing on comfort, style, quality and world class customer searvice.
Green Efforts
Marine Grade Polymer Features and Green Properties

Our Marine Grade Polymer is a high-tech material that has been used for more than 20 years by shipbuilders on the topsides of sailing and motor yachts. Besides its extreme durability, this high density polyethylene is significant because it contains more than 30 percent recycled resin. It is also recyclable as Category 2 HDPE – High Density Polyethylene. Additionally, the raw materials, equipment and manufacturing processes emit no harmful gases or byproducts into the atmosphere, and all material waste is recycled back into the original product. Aside from its Green advantages, this marine grade polymer material provides a number of substantial benefits to consumers. It has zero porosity and will not absorb water, and will not crack, rot or separate in any outdoor environment. It also presents no fire hazard and is resistant to most chemicals. And because the color pigment is all through the material, a slightly scratched surface is less noticeable.

Telescope has been honored with an ICFA Design Excellence awards in 2008 and 2012, as well as a resin furniture Manufacturer Leadership Award in 2012.

History of Environmental Stewardship
Our History of Sustainability

Telescope has always been a “Green” company, partially for ethical reasons; protecting this awesome resource we are responsible for, and partially for economic reasons. For 30 years, Telescope has been utilizing the waste from our wood operations to heat our manufacturing facility. We manufacture in the North East, and it gets quite cold during the winter. The last time we ran our oil-fired furnaces, we used 800,000 gallons of fuel oil per year. Our manufacturing plant is substantially larger than it was 30 years ago, but conservatively, Telescope has avoided using 24 million gallons of fuel oil, or over ½ million barrels of oil. Change doesn’t happen by law or magic. It takes hard work. Telescope is proud to do its part to help the environment and even more proud that we found an economic reason to support our actions. While the “Green Movement” has gained momentum recently, for Telescope it’s been the only way we’ve known how to operate. From carefully managing the 10,000 acre timberland for continuous growth and sustained yield, to utilizing recycled materials in all stages of manufacturing and recycling virtually all of its waste, Telescope “was green before green was popular.” As consumers and retailers become conscious of environmentally friendly products, Telescope is once again a leader by just doing what we’ve always done.

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